Other Interests....!

Here I have enlisted some of my other Interests in the non-academic fields. I would really love your suggestions, any related healthy discussions, brain storming, etc. I am always open for any talks and conversations for the same.

Stock Market and Finance

Stock Trading and Investing is one of the key skill that I have. I am Learning and learning daily and trying out new set of rules and logics to develop a profitable trade psycology. I also have taken couple of sessions of as a mentor. You can visit the same at the below given links. I also am in a search of lot of free resources related to stock market and have piled them up in the following drive link. Feel Free to contact in case you can give me any advice.๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ


Buisness and Startups

I am extremely inclined towards the startups and buisness world. As my mission is to not to be dependant on a single income. I am still in a phase of building a good buisness model for my crazy startup ideas. I am always ready and excited when it comes to brain-storming about any crazy buisness/startup. I also am keen at understanding other buisnesses and draw out good interference from them. Any help from your side is always welcomed๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚



Reading is one of my Key passions and I have been following ot from quite a time now. I started my fond of reading, from a well known Novel "The Alchemist". It is one of kind and the best for a starter. I remember completing it within 18 hrs of it's purchase. Nowadays I am inclined more towards the Finance-realted books such as "The Richest man in Babylon", "The joy's of Compunding",etc. I also have read a bunch of novels. such as "Sherolock Holmes", "13 reasons why..", "Fault In our stars", etc.



I am a super big fan of the Anime Series 'Naruto'. It is what has completely changed me. The sense of maturity and the willingness to change my destiny all by myself. Uzumaki Naruto has given me it all. It has given me the motivation and the strength to believe in yourself. There are many lines that I can speak out loud and clear even at the midnight from a variety of its characters. One of them is "People call me a failure, I'll prove them wrong....!!" said by it's main character Naruto Uzumaki


Stage Courage (Anchoring)

I love being on the stage. I like anchoring events,hosting programs, take lead, be the voice of my group, Give guest lectures, take sessions, and all other stage darrings which have come to me as a legacy of my father. I have my youtube sessions and some good explainatory videos or presenstations to show. on the follwing links.


Guitar ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽธ

I am a newbie Guitarist. I have my own Semi-acaustic Guitar. I play it during weekends and whenever I am free. I am a total noob though I have recorced some good stuff while at my pic. Please refer the following links to watch my guitar videos. But to be honest it's been a while since I have played it.
